Sunday, May 24, 2020

Dissociative Identity Disorder And The Disorder - 919 Words

Disorder and Topic The disorder I chose to research for my paper was Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder is formerly known as multiple personality disorder and is characterized as an individual presenting two or more alternate personalities. Those said personalities are said to essentially help an individual escape the stress and overwhelming struggles of everyday life (Traub, 2009). As for my topic I chose to explore was whether or not Dissociative Identity Disorder even existed. The reason I chose to explore DID was the curiosity I have always had over the disorder, because I feel that I have a sister that has a mild form of it and it is something I always have struggled with understanding. My older sister I believe has a mild for of the disorder, was indeed severely traumatized and sexually abused for years as a child. After watching Sybil I do have a better understanding of what DID is and how childhood trauma can definitely attribute to this disorder . So when choosing my topic of whether the disorder even existed, I definitely wanted to explore why the disorder is still typically a debate of existing or not and what has been researched on the disorder. Articles The three articles I chose to explore on DID all compare and contrasted the validity of existence pertaining to the disorder. Thee first article compared its validity to what generally constitutes a mental disorder, and its challenges. The second article surveyed psychologistShow MoreRelatedDissociative Identity Disorder ( Dissociative Disorder )1040 Words   |  5 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a mental illness that is greatly misunderstood, much like many other mental illnesses. Nicholas Spanos, Professor of Psychology, hypothesized Multiple Personality Disorder as a defense against childhood trauma that creates â€Å"dissociation† or a split mental state. The trauma sustained during childhood is so substantial, that the individual creates different identities to cope with itRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder ( Dissociative Disorder )1194 Words   |  5 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder is a disorder distinguished by the existence of two or more distinct personality states. It is also known as DID or Multiple Personality Disorder. It is very rare, with only 20,000 to 200,000 known US cases per year. Currently, there is no known cure, but treatment can sometimes help. Many believe that DID can be caused by a significant trauma and is used as a coping mechanism to help avoid bad memories. The disorders most often form in kids victim to long-term physicalRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder : Dissociative Identification Disorder1485 Words   |  6 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder is a mental disorder where an individual experiences two or more distinct personalities. When an individual is diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, one personality has dominant control of an individual. This personality controls how a person may act and how they live everyday life. A person diagnosed with this disease may or may not be aware of their alternate personalities. Each personality is contrasting of each other withRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder970 Words   |  4 Pages Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) is a severe condition in which two or more dissimilar identities, or character states, are present and alternately take control of an individual. The person experiences memory loss that is vaguely extensive to be explained as common forgetfulness. These symptoms are not taken in consideration for by seizures, substance abuse or any other medical conditions. 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This disorder used to be known as multiple personality disorder, which is more recognized and understood to peop le without a psychology background. This disorder can beRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder1221 Words   |  5 PagesThis research paper is about Dissociative identity disorder (DID) as known as multiple personality disorder. DID in which a person could have many different parts to their personality due to severe stress and an experience of a trauma. A person with DID when the have control over their one identity they cannot remember what they did when their other identities were in control. Most of the time people with DID have two personalities but they could have more than two which is referred as alters. ThenRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder1030 Words   |  5 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder Defining what is abnormal is not necessarily easy. There are many different criteria to determine what exactly is normal and what is abnormal. According to Ciccarelli and White (2012) as early as 3000 B.C.E. there have been human skulls found with holes in them. Archaeologists suspect this was caused because of the treatments they had years ago such as â€Å"trepanning†. Trepanning is done nowadays as well to remove extra fluids from the brain, as for years ago doctors didRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder2158 Words   |  9 Pagesâ€Å"Dissociative Identity Disorder† Through out the years there has been many disorders that continue to be diagnosed on people, many can be difficult to deal with. Some of these disorders can be uncontrollable and can make it harder on the patients who are trying to get better. Disorders are not sicknesses that can be cured and gone with a couple of doses of medicine, disorders are serious problems a person has to deal with usually if not for a large amount of time, it can be every day for the restRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder1678 Words   |  7 PagesDissociation is defined as â€Å"a mental process, which produces a lack of connection in a person s thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity† (Grohol, 2016). The Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a severe condition in which two or more separate, distinct identities or personality states are present in an individual. In other words, a person has, what seems like, actual distinct and contrasting people in their head and these â €Å"alters† are able to take control of an individual’s

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